Happy 3rd Birthday, FaithfullyDrawn!

Well, guys the big day is finally here - FaithfullyDrawn.com is officially three years old! WOW! It’s hard for me to imagine that I have been at this for three whole years; and it is even more amazing to sit back and examine just how far God has brought me in that time!

Sunflower Worshiping, 2021-2022
Charcoal gesture drawing (work in progress)
18” x 24”

Sunflower Worshiping, 2022

Watercolor & watercolor pencil

18” x 24”

(From the post: Lessons From Sunflowers pt. II)

About two years into my walk with God, I learned that we are supposed to use our gifts to “bring honor and glory to God.” In fact, the Bible tells us that we are to do everything to the glory of God. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV). Doing things for the honor and glory of God sure sounded good, the only problem was that I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. I knew that my artistic abilities were a gift from God. I knew that as a Christian I was supposed to “use my powers for good” but the details of exactly what I was supposed to do with them left me totally perplexed. I was, however, fairly certain that Jesus didn’t want me to just sit in my room all by myself painting pictures of Him. So I did what any confused person should do… I prayed. 

Three Girls Kneeling Before The Lord, 2022

Pencil 9”x12”

(From the post: Worship Like a Child)

Crooked Trees with Starry Sky, 2022

Oil paint on canvas

8” x 10”

(From the post: Awakening to Beauty)

Portrait of an Open Heart, 2020

Pen & acrylic paint on paper

18” x 24”

(From the post: Portrait of an Open Heart

In the seven years since I prayed that prayer, God has answered me in some pretty amazing ways. And He didn’t just respond with one answer but with a bunch! In the beginning He gave me my art class, The Drawing Fundamentals Group; then, this blog; He has since opened opportunities for me to lead Christian art retreats in the wilderness and has blessed me with multiple gallery exhibitions. 

Drawing Fundamentals Group - first quarter (2017). Students drawing a still-life in the round.

Ginger discovers the joy of messy charcoal hands for the first time :).

Art Camp friends enjoying dinner at night in the woods - Christian Ladies' Art Retreat 2022.

Everybody say "cheese!" with your paintbrush! Art Camp participants 2022.

Me and my art at Lyfe Coffee Roasters and Public House after setting up my 2022 exhibition.

Over and over, God showed me ways to shout His glory from the rooftops and He hasn’t stopped. I learned a very important truth about God through that prayer - God’s answers are not finite because God is not finite. His answers are not “one and done” but rather they go on and on. Like beautiful flowers, they continuously unfurl revealing new levels to the answer.

Prayer (Light study), 2022
Charcoal on newsprint
(From the post: The True Gift)

One of the most important rules that I try to impress in my drawing classes is not to compare yourself with others. The actual wording reads as such on the “Group Guidelines” sheet: 

3) Do not compare yourself to others. Your progress can only be charted relative to yourself (where YOU are now vs. where YOU were). Galatians 6:4-5

3 Coturnix Quail (Male Standing Tall), 2022

Pencil on watercolor paper

15” x 11”

(From the post: Brave Like a Quail - A Fool for Christ)

In my Drawing Fundamentals class, towards the end of each quarter, I would ask my students to look back through their sketchpads. Starting at page one, drawing one, I asked them to honestly examine their progress. I also requested that each person select their favorite drawing, or if they couldn’t select a favorite, the one they felt showed the greatest progress. This exercise was always eyeopening. It’s shocking how easy it is to get caught up in the struggle at hand and lose sight of the big picture of how much we have grown and how far God has brought us!

Karlene says: "look what I made!" as she proudly displays her oil pastel painting. 

The Jeremiah Promise, 2022
Pen illustration 

As I examine this blog, from where I started at the very first post until now, I can see SO MANY areas where God has helped me to grow! Most obviously, in my abilities as a writer and an artist but also in my love of Scripture and my calling as a teacher. 

Psalm 92:13, 2022

Mixed media - pen, watercolor, and Adobe Photoshop

(From the post: Planted in the House of The Lord)

But, by far, my favorite area of growth is how He has used my humble little blog as a vessel to reach people. As of today, FathifullyDrawn.com has over 9,860 views! And it has reached 20+ countries! Many of which are “closed countries” where it is illegal to share the Gospel or even to say the name Jesus. 

(Actual site statistics from Tuesday, July 11, 2023)

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that God would use my posts to bring the Gospel to people in Iran, China, Pakistan, and Russia! But that’s just what God does. He uses “the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-31 (NIV).

Little Yellow Leaf, 2022

Watercolor paint and watercolor pencil

4" x 6"

(From the post: Beyond What I Could Ask or Imagine)

Oh thank you, God, for all that You have done! Thank You for all that You will do! Thank you for answering my prayers! Lord, please bless and help your children in closed countries. Give them Your comfort, and protection, and Your freedom! Help them to grow deeper in their love for You everyday! And may Your glory go on and on! 

Love and blessing to you all ~Angela

The Orion Nebula, 2023
Oil paint on canvas

P.S. Please help me this week to pray for our brothers and sisters in closed countries who are oppressed and hurting. All over the world right now there are people who are imprisoned and persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Let’s cover them (and their families) in prayers for comfort, strength, endurance, and deliverance! And may their oppressors come to know Jesus and be transformed by His love!  - Amen!


  1. I'm sort of new to faithfully drawn, but have enjoyed seeing your beautiful work and reading your thoughtful meditations. Congratulations on year #3! Not an artist myself, I do appreciate the beautiful pieces you've created. I recently heard the 3 things we need to restore our culture are truth, beauty and justice. I would add faith to that!

  2. Very good Angela! Happy 3rd Birthday, and praise God our most High for how He has guided you to use your gifts to reach the world!! I love seeing how God works in His amazing way, like we are his Chess pieces, and to His magnificent creation of it all. Amazing! Thank you for your blog, it is a joy to read and you're art is beautiful!

  3. The cake looks scrumptious ... but what really jumped out at me was "So I did what any confused person should do… I prayed." And look at The Word and the beauty that has flowed out of that. It is fun to see examples of your work through those three years & to be included as part of the journey - it has been a blessing. Happy Anniversary - keep it up :) sn


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